Customize Split Images

Each split image’s settings can be individually set by editing the image’s filename. Desired settings values are placed between underscores: _x_.

Here is an example of a customized split image:


(85) The video must match at least 85% of the split image
{b} Don’t split until the match percent goes above 85% AND drops back below 85%
[5] Don’t start comparing the NEXT split image until 5 seconds after splitting

Custom split settings don’t need to be listed in any particular order.


Override the default threshold for this split.

The value is inserted between parentheses: (value).

001_mysplit_(95).png The split’s threshold is 95%.


Override the default delay for this split.

The value is inserted between pound signs: #value#.

001_mysplit_#5#.png The split’s delay is 5 seconds.


Override the default pause for this split.

The value is inserted between brackets: [value].

001_mysplit_[120].png Don’t look for the next split image for 2 minutes after this split.


Force a split to loop. Useful if consecutive splits use the same image.

Insert the value between “at” signs: @value@.

Default: 1

001_mysplit_@2@.png The split will be used twice instead of once.

Special Split Types

You can tell Pilgrim Autosplitter to do special actions when matching a split.

Specify a special split type by inserting its corresponding letter between curly braces: {value}.

Special split types can be used together, but the dummy type {d} will always override the pause type {p}.

Pause type

Force Pilgrim Autosplitter to press the pause hotkey instead of the split hotkey when splitting.

Insert a p between curly braces: {p}.

001_mysplit_{p}.png Press the pause hotkey instead of the split hotkey when a match is found.

Dummy type

Force Pilgrim Autosplitter NOT to press a hotkey when splitting.

Useful if you rely on a certain image to know a split is coming, but you don’t want to split ON that image.

Insert a d between curly braces: {d}.

001_mysplit_{d}.png Do nothing when a match is found.

Below type

Force Pilgrim Autosplitter to wait to split until the video has matched the threshold AND dropped back below it.

Insert a b between curly braces: {b}.

001_mysplit_{b}.png After finding a match, wait until the video no longer matches before splitting.

Copyright © 2024 pilgrim_tabby.
Pilgrim Autosplitter and this website are distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.