Connect Video

There are two main ways to connect your video game feed to Pilgrim Autosplitter.

Method 1: Capture Card

If you’re using a capture card, all you need to do is connect it to your computer. In Pilgrim Autosplitter, click the Next Source button until your capture card feed appears.

Next source

Because of limitations related to video capturing backends on MacOS, you have to click through each source until you find the one you want. This might trigger webcams or other video capture devices, so don’t be alarmed; no one is spying on you.

Method 2: OBS Virtual Camera

If you’re not using a capture card, the recommended capture method is via OBS’s excellent screen capturing tool, OBS Virtual Camera. You can connect any window on your computer to the camera in OBS.

OBS Virtual Camera
The view from within OBS

Click the gear icon to the right of the “Start Virtual Camera” button to configure your capture window. Once OBS Virtual Camera is open, click the Next Source button until your game feed appears.

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